Impact Innovation
A day program, aimed at young adults with autism and significant intellectual and developmental needs.
We created Impact Innovation (IMPACT) in 2015, in partnership with the University of Cincinnati, to design a world class program to provide services to young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) with the most significant communication and/or behavior challenges. Young adults with IDD have a much more challenging time transitioning to employment or postsecondary education after high school than those in any other category of disability, and the presence of challenging behaviors and limited communication further reduces the likelihood of involvement in vocational activity or postsecondary education.
Nested on the UC campus IMPACT works to change these outcomes by providing community-based employment and day services to individuals with autism with extensive communication, behavioral, and sensory support needs that have not been addressed in other models. The IMPACT model is built around three critical components: a) health and wellness, b) employment training, and c) life-long learning. Health and wellness include daily opportunities for physical fitness at the campus recreation center as well as instruction from research-based health curriculums for individuals with developmental disabilities. Employment training includes numerous opportunities in vocational internships as well as customized employment prospects built with local community businesses. Life-long learning incorporates ongoing direct social skill and communication instruction, expansion of leisure activities repertoire, art courses, technology and other special interest areas. IMPACT associates thrive on UC’s campus gaining critical life-changing skills and building long-lasting relationships in a safe and inclusive setting.
Read more about the program’s history and unique design in the attached article here .
To learn more about the UC’s IMPACT Innovation (IMPACT) program, visit: IMPACT Innovation (Link: https://cech.uc.edu/schools/education/IDDEdCenter/impact.html) or contact: Genna Kieper, Director of IMPACT Innovation 606-375-1834 | Email: kieperga@ucmail.uc.edu
IMPACT Innovation (IMPACT) is one of four programs within the IDD Education Center. IMPACT Innovation is a year-round program at UC for adults with autism and/or communication, behavior, or sensory differences. To learn more, watch the video below:
What People Are Saying
“Impact Innovation has given our daughter the opportunity to thrive. Its position within the School of Education, and the commitment of faculty and staff to evidence-based best practice means she is supported by people who really understand communication and behavior, and who actively work to identify and implement the supports she needs to be successful. We have complete confidence every day that she’s in the best place she can be at this stage of her life..”
— Shannon’s Mom, Cindy Mollay
“Impact Innovation has been a wonderful fit for Cole after his high school years. It was important for him to have a “typical” college experience, like his sister. Impact has provided wonderful relationships with peers and faculty and continues to explore opportunities for his development, both personally and professionally.”
— Cole’s Mom, Britt Akins
“Impact Innovation has improved Dustin’s overall quality of life. Through Impact Innovation Dustin has a meaningful daily purpose and an appropriately supportive environment. The program provides peace and hope for us as parents.”
— Dustin’s Mom, Suzanne Stein